Artist of the Month: Jude Smith

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Hi Jude! What inspires your work as an artist?
Anything and everything! From still life to portraits, via landscape and seascapes... but I like to 'connect' with the subject, and hopefully the viewer will too. One of my latest projects was 15 oil paintings depicting 15 of my best loved poems. I can see this series taking my lifetime as there are so many amazing, thought-provoking and inspiring poems still on my list!

What medium do you like working with best, and why?
This is like asking which of my adored Siamese cats I love best! I love 3 media, watercolour for its sublime transparency and delicacy. It's like riding a wild horse! Oils for the texture, vibrancy and almost sculptural effects, and pastels for the spontaneity with which you can convey movement and light.

How long have you been an artist for?
Not that long in the scheme of things, just 3 years. A life changing event saw me sitting in my shed from dawn til dusk for about 3/4 months. I had never thought about painting until then, I discovered a passion. A serious life-changing shift in my psyche. I am now working in association with Trevor Waugh BA at his Wiltshire studios, and my art is developing constantly under his guidance. 

What do you like best about having your work with us at SOTA?
Well, Hannah Jayne is just amazing at managing the Cardiff Gallery… she takes all the pressure off exhibiting and produces a stunning hang!  The restaurant is vibrant and so passionate in representing local artists, and it comes across that you guys are loving what you do.

And our most important do you like your steak?!
Cooked by someone else, and medium rare...alas as a starving artist who'd rather buy paint and canvas it's usually sausages for me... wink 

Please ask a member of staff if you would like a direct contact for this artist.